Residential and commercial solutions in Newfoundland and Labrador

We repair duct work in homes and commercial buildings.

Supplier of Aeroseal in Newfoundland & Labrador


Up to 95% duct leak reduction acheived with Aeroseal

Did you know 25-40% of the air that’s supposed to blow through your vents is escaping through cracks and holes in your air ducts? You could be wastefully heating and cooling areas like your attic, crawl space, and even behind walls.

View videos below to learn more …

Commercial Buildings

Residential Homes

Before Aeroseal

After Aeroseal



  • Professional Services of the Year 2023

  • Sub Trade of the Year 2023

  • Innovation Award 2022

  • Professional Services of the Year 2022

  • Sub Trade of the Year 2022

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